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Your username is the email address we have on file for you, included in the Benefits Commencement email sent to you in the month of your Benefits start date. If this is your first time accessing this website, you must first Activate Your Web Account. Follow the instructions on the Activate web account page at: psbt.ca/activate-web-account
If you cannot remember your password, use the “Reset your Password” link on the sign-in page to retrieve them.
Note that password reset emails will be sent to the email address you submitted in your application (often, this is a personal email address).
If you require assistance, please email info@psbt.ca or call 1-888-250-2270 or 416-240-8083
Claims inquiries # is 1-800-957-9777
You can check the status of your claims, see your claims history, and more through the GROUPNET online portal. Access the online portal by clicking here to register, then log into your member account.
If you do not have access to the internet or if you need further assistance, you may call GROUPNET: Great West Life directly at English: 1-866-289-5675 / French: 1-866-814-6503.
The Power Sector Benefit Trust Program is set up as a bill payment payee at participating Financial Institutions across Canada.
This service allows PSBT members to pay their monthly premiums via several banking channels, including Telephone Banking, Online Banking and paperless ABM payments.
Look up "PSBT" or "Power Sector Benefit Trust" in your online banking or banking app payee list and enter your Online Banking ID (formerly, "Username") in My Profile as your Customer/Account Number (e.g., lastname1).